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Tiresias Mist Seed Feminizer

Tiresias Mist, when used in conjunction with the directions, allows growers to produce feminized seeds. Tiresias Mist is safe, effective, and a reliable alternative to other methods that have disappointing results. One bottle provides enough solution for one branch that will produce female pollen. That pollen is then delivered to the flowers of a dioecious plant which in turn produces seeds. Because only female genetics is involved you will produce only feminized seeds.

Tiresias Mist is made of naturally occurring minerals and is non-toxic, non-allergenic and will not cause harm to the user, plants, or pets. At the same time, the stem that is being treated should not be consumed (it will be covered with pollen sacs so that shouldn’t be an issue). Finally, the most important aspect of using this product: have fun, get crazy, and start your experimentations. You now have the ability and the freedom to produce your own female seeds and genetics! Enjoy.
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